🎉 Next S3 Uploader is now in beta! Please report any bugs or issues on GitHub.

Usage of Next.js S3 Uploader

In this section, we'll dive deeper into how to use Next.js S3 Uploader in various scenarios and explore its features. We'll cover:

  1. Basic File Upload
  2. Allow Multiple File Uploads
  3. Limit the Number of Uploaded Files
  4. Set Maximum File Size
  5. Use Custom Object Keys
  6. Custom API Endpoint
  7. AWS S3 Client Configuration
  8. Non-AWS S3-Compatible Client Configuration

Basic File Upload

The simplest use case is to allow users to upload files to your application. We'll go through the basic steps:

  • Import the useS3FileUpload hook.
  • Use the hook in your component.
  • Handle file selection and initiate uploads.


import { useS3FileUpload } from "next-s3-uploader";
function UploadPage() {
  const { uploadedFiles, uploadFiles } = useS3FileUpload();
  const handleFileChange = async (e) => {
    const files = e.target.files;
    if (files && files.length > 0) {
      await uploadFiles(files);
  return (
    // Your component JSX

Allow Multiple File Uploads

To allow users to upload multiple files at once, set the multiple option to true when using the useS3FileUpload hook.


const { uploadedFiles, uploadFiles } = useS3FileUpload({
  multiple: true,

Limit the Number of Uploaded Files

You can restrict the maximum number of files that can be uploaded using the maxFiles option.


const { uploadedFiles, uploadFiles } = useS3FileUpload({
  maxFiles: 3, // Limit to 3 files

Set Maximum File Size

Control the maximum allowed file size for uploads with the maxFileSize option. Specify the size in bytes.


const { uploadedFiles, uploadFiles } = useS3FileUpload({
  maxFileSize: 5242880, // 5MB limit

Use Custom Object Keys

You can specify custom object keys when uploading files. This is useful for organizing your S3 bucket.


const { uploadedFiles, uploadFiles } = useS3FileUpload();
const handleFileChange = async (e) => {
  const files = e.target.files;
  if (files and files.length > 0) {
    const customKeys = ["file1.jpg", "images/file2.jpg", "docs/file3.pdf"];
    await uploadFiles(files, customKeys);

Custom API Endpoint

By default, Next.js S3 Uploader uses /api/s3upload as the API endpoint for generating pre-signed URLs. You can specify a custom endpoint.


const { uploadedFiles, uploadFiles } = useS3FileUpload();
const handleFileChange = async (e) => {
  const files = e.target.files;
  if (files && files.length > 0) {
    await uploadFiles(files, null, "/api/custom-upload-route");

AWS S3 Client Configuration

If you're using AWS S3 as your storage provider, you can configure the S3 client using the createS3Client function.


const s3Client = createS3Client({
  provider: "s3", // Amazon S3 provider
  region: "us-east-1", // Specify the appropriate AWS region
  credentials: {
    accessKeyId: "YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID", // Your AWS access key ID
    secretAccessKey: "YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY", // Your AWS secret access key

Non-AWS S3-Compatible Client Configuration

If you're using a non-AWS S3-compatible service like MinIO, configure the client accordingly.


const s3Client = createS3Client({
  provider: "minio", // Non-AWS S3 provider (minio/other)
  endpoint: "http://localhost:9000", // Specify the appropriate endpoint
  region: "us-east-1", // Specify the appropriate region
  forcePathStyle: true, // Required for MinIO
  credentials: {
    accessKeyId: "ROOTNAME", // Your access key
    secretAccessKey: "CHANGEME123", // Your secret key

With these usage examples and configurations, you can make the most of Next.js S3 Uploader in your Next.js application.

Continue to the API section for detailed information about the package's functions and options.